Algerian woman casting her vote

Algerian parliamentary election raised a state of division among the opposition parties, as they formed an authority called “Consultation and Follow-Up” committee to discuss the developments witnessed in the country. The committee is composed of a number of politicians and activists in addition opposition figures.
The authority witnessed a state of division, as a number of political parties decided to boycott the coming elections scheduled to be held in May, while others decided to participate. The boycotting parties strongly criticized the other parties which decided to participate in the elections. The boycotters will hold a conference during the coming days to discuss the recent developments in the country.
The participants, including Chairperson of New Generation Party SophianJelali and Chairperson of Democratic Social Union Party Kareem Tabu in addition to a number of other activists, will criticize the political parties that decided to participate in the coming elections.
Algerian Peaceful Society Movement, loyal to Muslim Brotherhood, raised a state of controversy among the political parties, as it accepted to participate in the coming elections, the matter that prompted a number opposition figures to demand the Islamist movement to withdraw from the authority.
A number of experts stressed that the recent developments are considered the beginning of the destruction of the new opposition entity, blaming the weakness of organizational body of the Algerian opposition.
Political expert Abdel Raziqi said the Algerian opposition failed to stand against the ruling authority in the country since 1980s, while they managed to rally themselves during the recent two years. He added that the Consultation and Follow Up committee is the first entity gathering the opposition parties in Algeria and unifying them under one flag.