Arab Coalition destroyed weapons stores of Insurgent in medi and raided Sanaa

Fighters of Arab Coalition targeted weapons stores and gatherings of the Houthi and Saleh militias in the Midi Front of the province of Hajjah, adjacent to Saudi Arabia. The coalition intensified its raids on the positions, gatherings and stores of weapons of the militiad in the various Yemeni cities and provinces under the control of the militias, as the most severe raids targeted Sanaa, Hajjah and Saada.
 A military source said that the aircrafts have launched three air raids on Houthi reinforcements in al Hamili area and Khalid military camp in Mozza. “Other air raids also targeted their sites northern al Mocha.”
The aerial bombardment has also resulted in the destruction of five military vehicles and heavy weapons. According to the source. Al-Houthi coup militias and pro-Saleh forces have used to plant minefields in the fighting areas to obstruct the advance of government forces, especially after the liberation of southern governorates.
Local statistics indicate that hundreds of civilian casualties have been killed and amputated and that the figure is still rising as the war expands into densely populated areas. Al-Houthi militias have planted mines indiscriminately without documented maps, making it very difficult to clear or detect them quickly and easily.
On his part, the Commander of the Military Engineering Division in the 4th Military Region and Director of the National Center for Anti-Mines in Aden, Colonel Engineer Haytham Halaboub said that the coup militias had planted various and indiscriminate mines, including prohibited mines known as anti-personnel mines and innovative homemade mines as well as anti-tank mines.
He pointed out that the engineering teams managed until last May to clear more than 31,000 mines as remnants of the ongoing war in Aden, Lahj and Abyan and parts of Taiz governorate. Arab Federation for Human Rights has revealed in its latest report that Al-Houthis in Yemen have planted more than half a million anti-personnel mines in different parts of Yemen, killing more than 700 people, while engineers who were trained by the Arab Coalition succeeded in the clearance and dismantling of 40,000 mines.
Therefore, the Yemeni government appealed to the international community to urgently help clearance of Al-Houthi coup militia mines to protect the Yemeni people from their devastating effects. In the same context, There were fierce battles between the two sides on the eastern front, while government forces repulsed a militia attack on the area of ​​Camp Russians, in Kalaba, forced them to retreat and flee.
The fighting in the eastern front left dozens dead and wounded in the ranks of the militias, while one member of the government forces was killed and three wounded. A number of field fronts are also taking place on the western coast of the country and west of the city of Taiz, south of the country, fierce battles between the government forces supported by the Arab coalition fighters on the one hand and between Saleh and Houthi militias on the other.