Syrian fighter jets launched raids on Habita town of Idlib

Syrian fighter jets launched raids on Habita town of Idlib's southern countryside leading to material damages, while they renewed their attacks on Homos targeting areas in Waar district. They also bombarded areas in Telzahab village of Homos' northern countryside.

Homos' northern countryside witnesses air raids from the governmental fighter jets in coincidence with clashes between the governmental troops and Islamist factions. The governmental bombardment led to the killing of one citizen and the injury of others at Waar district. They also bombarded areas in Homos' northern countryside.

However, the Islamist factions targeted the governmental troops existed in the Kurds Mountain at Latikia's northern countryside. The attack led to the killing and injury of a number of governmental soldiers. The governmental troops bombarded areas in Hama's northern countryside, including Mork and Zowar. The attack on Hama's areas led to the killing of eight citizens from the same family, and dozens of injuries.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitored violations against the cease-fire agreement sponsored by Turnkey and Russia, as districts of Aleppo's western side have been bombarded by the governmental troops. The observatory also monitored the governmental attacks on Damascus' districts of Qabon and Jober leading to the killing of two fighters and the injury of two others.

On its hand, Syria's Democratic Forces announced the beginning of their military operations to separate the city of Raqqa from its countryside to pave the way for controlling the city and expelling the ISIS militants from the area which is. Considered one of the major strongholds of the extremist group in Syria.

In the same context, three armed people loyal to the Syrian regime have been killed during their clashes with ISIS in Maqaber area near the Syrian city of Deir Al Zour. The governmental attacks come in the framework of the attempts to achieve advance in the city to restore its control. The governmental fighter jets targeted the area using the bombing barrels with no information about humanitarian losses. 

The Syrian troops managed to achieve notable advance in Palmyra after days of failure due to the group's success to counter the attacks launched by the governmental troops especially in the archaeological city's surrounding areas of Bayarat of Palmyra's western desert.

On political side, a number of Syrian people organized a demonstration at Saqba town of the eastern Ghouta rebuking Geneva Conference held on Thursday. The demonstrators chanted against the Syrian regime calling for the release of prisoners. They demanded the international community to support the eastern districts of Damascus as a major part of eastern Ghouta.