Aden - Abdul Ghani Yahya
Yemen's city of Aden witnessed increasing clashes between the governmental troops and Houthi militias on early Sunday in the surrounding areas of the city's airport amid intensive raids from the fighter jets related to the Arab Coalition.
Sources revealed that miltary units related to presidential protection troops intesified their presence in the area amid a state of tension that could lead to escalation between the presidential guards and military troops refusing to evacuate the airport.
According to sources, a difference erupted between Nasser Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, son of Yemeni president who leads the presidential guards unit, and leader of military force authorized to protect the airport Saleh Al Emiry against the backdrop of Emiry's refusal to give the leadership of airport's guardianship to another officer.
The orders to Emiry to leave his position came after measures taken by his soldiers to suspend the work in the airport in protest against the delay of their financial dues. Sources revealed that clashes erupted between Emiry's soldiers and the presidential guards leading to the killing of a soldier and the injury of others.
On the other hand, the United Nations issued a statement expressing its concern over the current situation witnessed in Yemen, as it reported that Houthi militias targeted civilians in the coastal Mokha city during a battle to control the port.
According to the statement, the civilians have been besieged during the battle, as Houthi snipers targeted them during their attempt to escape from the city amid fears that Hadida city could witness similar position.