Car bomb

The death and injury toll from Baghdad car bomb rises to 150 citizens, after finding eight burned bodies under the rubble, in the biggest bloody attack on the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

The official in Diyala province, Mohammad Dayfan, said in press statements, that a group of ISIS militants, composed of 15 to 20 members, crept to the province from the border city of Mtaibijh, between the provinces of Diyala and Salahuddin,calling security forces to launch an urgent military operation.

On a related, the officer in the Iraqi armed forces, Hamid Al-Aibeidy, said that dozens of ISIS members gathered in a village, south of Kirkuk, to attack the sites of Peshmerga forces, stressing that international coalition warplanes targeted them with a raid, leaving nearly18 killed, and others injured.

Sources from the Iraqi Ministry of Health revealed that the death toll from a car bomb blast in southern Baghdad, on Thursday, rose to 58 dead and at least 100 injured, after firefighters found eight charred bodies under the rubble, as well as the burning of 80 cars .

ISIS terrorist organization, which is on the defensive after losing control of eastern Mosul to a U.S.-backed Iraqi military offensive, claimed responsibility for the bombing in an online statement.

Security sources said the vehicle which blew up, on Thursday, was parked in a crowded street full of garages and used car dealers, in Hayy al-Shurta in the southwest of the city.

The death toll could climb further as many of the wounded are in critical condition, a doctor said.

The bombing is the second to hit car markets this week, suggesting the group has found it easier to leave vehicles laden with explosives in places where hundreds of other vehicles are parked.

A suicide bomber detonated a pick-up truck on Wednesday in the Sadr City suburb in the east of the capital, killing at least 15 people. That explosion took place in a street full of used car dealers.

A statement from the office of Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, stressed that he issued a set of guidelines and procedures to ensure the security of the capital Baghdad.