Algerian Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sallal

The visits of Algerian Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sallal have raised the dissatisfaction of the Algerian opposition and its supporters in the loyalist camp. His recent visits to the provinces of Wadi Souf and Djelfa and his revival, together with Algerian Interior Minister Noureddine Badawi, marked the tenth anniversary of the extremist attack on the government palace and the mobile police station headquarters in the district of Bab el-Zayour, in eastern Algeria. These visits carried direct election messages in favor of the Algerian President's Party, Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

The leader in Movement of Society for Peace, Noman La'awar, in statements for Arabs Today, that it has become a habit of the Prime Minister, where he is doing field visits in every election, and calls on citizens indirectly to vote in favor of the ruling party.

La'awar cited the visits he made in the presidential elections in 2014, when he was visiting the provinces and promises to the Algerians in return for voting for the candidate of the ruling party in Algeria. He pointed out that the Algerian Prime Minister is a member of the ruling party and serves as a member of the Central Committee of the National Liberation Front (FLN) party, He was a candidate to lead the list of the province of Algiers, and it is natural to call citizens indirectly in favor of his political formation.

Siddiq Shehab, a leading member of the National Democratic Rally (NDA), the second most powerful political group in the country, led by the head of the presidential office, criticized the visit of the prime minister. He wondered about the secret of these visits at this time. He wondered about the secret of these visits at this time, which coincides with the start of campaigns for the parliamentary elections, scheduled to be held in May 4.

Since the beginning of the election campaign, the Secretary General of Algeria's second political group, after the ruling party, Ahmed Ouyahia, has sent encrypted messages to the Algerian government regarding what he called the "populist discourse" and the absence of courage and lack of openness of Algerians to the reality of the economic and financial situation of Algeria due to the collapse of oil prices In global markets.

During the field visits in the provinces of Djelfa and Wadi Suf, the Prime Minister of Algeria took the opportunity to address messages described as "electoral". He called on the Algerians to choose the original political line and to present a letter of loyalty and hope to the Algerian President on May 4. "I urge the Algerian people to send a message of love and hope to President Abdelaziz Bouteflika on the day of the elections," he said in a clear language.