Egyptian security officials fear an escalation of violence in North Sinai

Egyptian security officials fear an escalation of violence in North Sinai Egyptian security forces are concerned about an escalation in violence in North Sinai after the army's decision to resume its military operation against armed extremists groups. The army has refused to negotiate with the militants it holds responsible for an attack in Rafah which killed 16 Egyptian soldiers in August 2012.
Security sources have warned that Sinai's extremist groups could launch attacks against Israeli targets from Egyptian territories ocer the next few months. They added that the armed groups seek to prove that the military operation against them has failed.
The sources claimed that the situation in Sinai remains tense, because the extremist groups are capable of resuming their attack across the governorate, including the cities of Rafah and Sheikh Zayed.
Second Field Army commander, Major General Ahmed Wasfy, held a meeting with the Bedouin sheikhs in Sinai and urged them to pressurise their relatives to surrender their unlicensed weapons to the authorities.
He also called on the sheikhs to cooperate with the security forces in their crackdown on the smuggling of African people to Israel, adding that such actions could harm Egyptian interests.
Wasfy argued that the cooperation of the sheikhs is necessary for the restore of stability in Sinai. He confirmed that the Egyptian army would continue in its efforts to close the tunnels that link Egypt with the Gaza Strip.
Sinai's residents condemned the Egyptian Defence Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's decision to ban the private ownership, rental and use of nearly all land on Egypt’s eastern border, last December.
Wasfy responded to their concerns by claiming that citizens living in Sinai can now own land without any complications.
Meanwhile, Egyptian security forces have seized a stack of explosives in Arish. A security source said that the weapons included four anti-aircraft ground missiles, and 15 grenades. The seizures had been transferred to a safe place, and the police lodged a report about the incident.