International Coalition killed dozens of militants

ISIS extremist group seized the cars of citizens to use them in the current battle witnessed in Ghozlani Camp, while the International Coalition killed dozens of militants during an air raid targeting their strongholds in Mosul'a right bank.

Meanwhile, local official in Deyali governorate Mohamed Defan Al Ebeidi revealed that the Iraqi forces managed to prevent ISIS militants from infiltrating to the villages of Wahab Al Saman located on the borders between Deyali and Salah Al Din.

He added that three vehicles carrying militants attempted to infiltrate to the villages liberated recently from the extremist group, saying that the Iraqi forces managed to counter them in cooperation with the Popular Mobilization Forces leading humanitarian losses among the extremists.

In the same context, local sources revealed that ISIS militants seized the cars of citizens in Mousl's right bank by force to use them as car bombs in the framework of their attempts to confront the military operations to liberate the second largest city in Iraq. They added that the extremists intend to use a number of these cars as shields.

The source added that the extremists use the residential houses to escape from the military operations as they demanded the residents to destroy the walls separating between the houses to be able to transfer through them upon orders from the group's leaders.

The source added that the International Coalition bombarded a headquarters of the extremists in Mousl's Jawsaq district, leading to the full destruction of the building and the killing of dozens of militants.