Houthis militants kill young man,soldier in Yemen

A Yemeni youth was killed in  Maris area north of Dalea, as a result of the militia's bombardment on Monday evening. According to sources, Houthis shelled, from their positions in the mountains of Nasah and Al Touhami, villages of Yais, Al-Grouf and Al-Khahera, north of Maris, leaving a young people killed.
While two unidentified gunmen also fired, Monday, at a soldier in Shibam district, Hadramout valley. The soldier died of his injuries.
On the other hand, Arab coalition responded to an attack by Houthi militias on Monday on by shelling their positions in south Dhahran, killing and injuring dozens and capturing a number of them. A video circulated by activists on social networking website "Twitter" showed that Yemeni forces captured many of Houthis.

In another context, a report by the information and training center for human rights revealed that 64 civilians were killed and 25 others were injured, most of them women and children, last July by Houthi and Saleh militia in Taiz. 

The center said in its monthly report that it documented the deaths of 48 men, 6 children and 10 women. The report stressed that the continuous bombing of various types of heavy missiles, anti-aircraft and Katyusha rockets resulted in dozens of dead and wounded, and caused damage and destruction in whole and in part in public and private buildings.

In Riyadh, Yemeni Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Obaid bin Daghr met today in Riyadh with Matthew H. Tueller. Yemeni news agency reported that the meeting reviewed the support of the US government for the legitimate government in the fight against terrorism as well as efforts to bolster security and stability in Yemen.

On the other hand, Minister of Endowments briefed Yemeni President on all actions and services taken by the ministry in the season of this pilgrimage. He stressed the need to give the ministry and its administrative staff to work on the rest of the pilgrims to enable them to perform their duties easily.
President Hadi stressed the importance of well preparations to ensure the full attention of Yemeni pilgrims, especially in relation to transportation, accommodation and health services, and to address all difficulties and obstacles facing pilgrims from land ports and even access to the holy sites.

He expressed his thanks and appreciation to his brother the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman for their servises for the pilgrims in general and Yemen's pilgrims in particular.
For his part, Minister of Endowments stressed the ministry's keenness to make efforts for the success of the pilgrimage season, and to overcome all difficulties in achieving the highest levels of success for Yemeni pilgrims, expressing his thanks to the President for his interest.