US Pentagon

Iraqi governmental troops resumed their advance in Mousl in the framework of the current military operations to liberate the city from the grip of extremist ISIS group. Meanwhile, U.S Pentagon said that the group’s leader Abu Baker Al Baghdadi left the Iraqi city.

According to sources, ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdad is reportedly alive but escaped from his stronghold in the Iraqi city of Mosul Mosul, after the fierce fighting of the Iraqi forces backed by US-led coalition to oust the terrorist organization from the embattled city, the Pentagon said.

US and Iraqi defense officials, in their most expansive comments to date on al-Baghdadi’s fate, described him as an isolated commander hiding in the desert and focused largely on his own survival. The US intelligence said that Baghdad is likely not using any communication devices in order to avoid being detected.

Iraqi military sources have earlier reported that al-Baghdadi has likely moved from the Syria city of al-Reqqa to the Iraqi territories and he is continuously moving from one place to another for fear of being arrested. They added that Al-Baghdadi has relocated to a stretch of desert lightly populated by Sunni Arab tribes north of the Euphrates River.

That lack of leadership from the upper echelons of ISIS, coupled with the aggressive targeting of midlevel leaders and ground commanders, has created confusion among rank-and-file fighters holding out in Mosul and Raqqa, the officials told reporters at the Pentagon, speaking on background.

In the same context, the Iraqi forces resumed their advance in Nabi Sheet neighborhood, as they work currently to inspect the buildings to cleanse them from the remnants of the extremist groups. According to military sources, the Iraqi forces managed to kill a large number of extremists and dropped a drone related to ISIS and seized a large amount of weapons.

Anti-extremism troops, on their hand, managed to liberate a number of districts, including Al Mansour, and Shohada. They controlled gas and power stations in addition to a station to distribute the oil products. They also liberated a number of buildings at Molameen district killing a number of extremists. They also destroyed a large number of bombing wheels and a laboratory to make bombs.

Local sources revealed that the International Coalition’s fighter jets managed to destroy one of the major headquarters of ISIS in Nineveh at Refaei district. They added that the bombardment led to the killing of dozens of the extremist militants, saying that they group prevented the residents from approaching.

Regarding to the recent suicide attacks, the security forces killed two extremists suspected to be involved in the attacks that hit a wedding party in Tekrit’s village on Wednesday.

On the other hand, Iraq’s Ministry of Immigration stressed that it managed to control the displacement crisis witnessed in the right bank of Mousl, accusing the international organizations of not honoring their commitments towards the current crisis witnessed in Iraq.