The Iraqi forces

The Iraqi forces managed to frustrate attack launched by ISIS extremists targeting the areas controlled by the government in north Mousl, as it turned to use the cars of the city’s right bank residents to confront the advance of the Iraqi troops in the framework of the current operations to liberate the Iraqi second largest city.

Meanwhile, leader of American troops in Iraq Stephen Townsend ruled out the possibility to deploy more American forces in the country to participate in the current fight against the extremist group, as the U.S President Donald Trump considers the different options accelerate the campaign to eliminate the extremist militia.

Townsend said, in a video conference, “I do not expect that the U.S Administration will take steps to deploy more troops in Iraq, as what we are currently doing achieve notable success. However, if we decided to take such a step, it would not be individually. We would coordinate with our partners in Iraq and Syria to ensure their understanding of the reasons behind taking the steps.”

In the same context, Iraqi military source revealed that the Iraqi army managed to counter a terrorist attack from ISIS militants against Mousl’s norther area of Kaba. It added that the attack came in coincidence with the preparations of the Iraqi forces to storm the southern districts of the city to expel the extremist militias. It added that the Iraqi forces prepare to storm Dendan district to pave the way for controlling the building of the governorate.

According to a statement from the Iraqi forces, ISIS militias launched a missile attack against Badosh district, saying that the military forces working to cleanse Badosh prison responded to these attacks immediately after their launch.

The statement added that Popular Mobilization Forces killed 24 elements loyal to the extremist group during their attempt to storm the district, while the group turned to use the residents as shields to confront the military attacks of the Iraqi forces.

On the other hand, leader of "We Are Coming Nineveh" Abdel Amir Yar Allah revealed, in a statement, that the Iraqi troops resumed their advance to liberate Mousl's right bank praising the role performed by the Iraqi air forces and International Coalition. He added that the Federal Police forces resume inspection of the buildings in the liberated areas.

He clarified that the Iraqi forces managed to bomb 25 explosive devices and killed a number of extremists, including a sniper. They destroyed two buildings related to the extremist group and found six explosive belts. They destroyed a laboratory to make the explosive devices and two motorcycles in addition to seizure id large amounts of weapons and equipment.

The military leader revealed that the Iraqi forces controlled Demraji village from the grip of the extremist group and cleansed the liberated areas from the remnants of the extremists and thei explosives. He added that the anti-extremism troops resumed their advance in the city, as they destroyed four bombing wheels and 30 explosive devices in addition to the killing of 12 extremists.

Yar Allah described the role performed by the Iraqi air forces as wonderful as they covered 28 combat missions and killed 64 extremists during the military operations to liberate Mousl. He added that they destroyed a number of military equipment and weapons