Iraqi forces kill 512 extremists in battle to liberate right side of Mosul

Iraqi forces have cleared a number of villages from the remnants of the ISIS northwest of the city of Mosul, while the anti-extremism forces continued its advance to restore al-Matahen and al-Yarmouk neighborhoods west of Mosul. This comes at a time when the Federal Police Command (FPC) announced, Saturday, the statistics of the battle of the right side of the city of Mosul, stressing that the aircraft of the Federal Federation killed 512 extremists, including 77 snipers.

The head of FPC, Major-General Raed Shaker Jawdat, said in a statement that leadership regained control of 61 areas and liberated 274 km 2 from the territory of the western side of the Mosul.
He pointed out that the federal police liberated 260 thousand citizens from the grip of ISIS organization, adding that the federation government provided 43750 basket of food for the displaced on the right side and destroyed 256 car bombs and 162 motorcycle bombs.

"Our units have cleared the villages of Rihaniyah," said Walid Khalifeh, commander of the Ninth Armored Division, adding that about 1,000 families from the villages of Buwiter and Abagla in the town of Badush, northwest of Mosul, were evacuated. 

The military intelligence directorate said, on Saturday, that based on information from the military intelligence, the international coalition aircraft managed to target the transport wheel carrying some of ISIS leadership in July 17, at the right side of Mosul. 

In contrast, ISIS continues its collective massacres of civilians trying to flee its areas of control on in Mosul, the latest of which killed at least 50 civilians who wanted to flee two areas of the city center, local residents said.

Thousands of Mosul families are trying to flee overnight to Iraqi forces, but some have not been lucky enough to fall into the hands of the hardline Islamist organization, which has shown its recent harshness during its losing most of the city, its main stronghold in Iraq. Last week, dozens of civilians were killed in a similar incident in the Tink district of western Mosul, and their bodies are still on the streets so far, in an attempt to intimidate those trying to flee.

 The leader of al-Hashd al-Ashaeri Karim Nuri, denied, on Saturday, reports of the liberation of Tal Afar west of Mosul, stressing that all preparations for the start of operations in full and pending orders. Al-Nuri said in an interview that there is no truth to the news about the start of the liberation operations of Tal Afar, which is baseless news, pointing out that the preparations full readiness and waiting for orders to go to Tal Afar. Earlier in the day, media outlets reported that Tal Afar was being liberated by the al-Hashd al-Ashaeri Forces.