Iraqi governmental troops

Iraqi governmental troops resumed their advance in the districts of Mousl in the framework of the current military operations to liberate the city from the grip of ISIS. Meanwhile, Spokesperson of International Coalition praised the performance of the Iraqi troops in the current battle to restore the right bank of the Iraqi second largest city.

The U.S military leader John Dorian said that the Iraqi troops managed to achieve a major accomplishment as they succeeded to restore the governmental complex, stressing that they will resume their support for the Iraqi efforts to eliminate the extremist group from the city. He expressed appreciation to Iraq's Prime Minister Haider Al Abadi for his keenness to protect the lives of civilians.

He pointed out that ISIS militants resume using the civilians as human shields, blaming them for the killing of a number of Iraqi citizens. He revealed that six military individuals working with the International Coalition have been killed during the recent operations to liberate Nineveh, saying that the extremist group lost its ability to confront the advance of the Iraqi troops.

According to a security source, the Iraqi troops managed to restore 90 percent of Mousl's Jadeed district, adding that they also controlled large swath of Mansour district in the southern side of the city.

In the same context, the security forces liberated the governmental complex in Nineveh in addition to a number of districts, including Dendan, and Dawasa. 

On his hand, Spokesperson of anti-extremism troops Sabah Al Noman revealed that the Iraqi troops achieve notable success upon the plan drafted to liberate Mousl. He described the liberation of the governmental complex as a turning point in the current military operations.

He stressed that they give the priority to the protection of civilians, saying that the extremist militias destroyed the infrastructure of the city's right bank. The military Intelligence Directorate revealed that the Iraqi troops managed to kill a number of militants leaders, including Abu Omar and Abu Fatima Al Kasoli.

In Baghdad, an explosive device has bombed leading to the injury of one person. The security forces intensified their presence in the area preventing the civilians from existing in the area in anticipation to any potential attacks