Iraqi forces liberate Mousl’s Hawi al-Kanisah district

Popular Mobilization Forces cut the main road between Kairouan area and Singar district in the framework of the current operation to liberate the Iraqi city of Mousl, as they were able to liberate the villages of Umm Hijara and Mughir al-Abed, east of Kairouan. Meanwhile, Nineveh Operations leadership announced the liberation of Hawi al-Kanisah district.
The Nineveh Operations Command has declared liberating another major district within operations launched by Iraqi troops to free the western side of Mosul. A statement by the War Media Cell quoted commander of the Nineveh Operations, Abdul-Amir Yarallah as saying that troops “fully freed Hawi al-Kanisah region and gained control on the western and southern banks Tigris River in western Mosul.”
In related news, a source from the Iraqi army’s elite Counter-Terrorism Service announced encountering suicide attacks by IS militants in western Mosul. “The Rapid Response troops faced a suicide attack in the industrial zone in west of Mosul, which left seven IS militants killed,” Lt.Gen. Ali Mohsen, of the CTS, told BasNews on Saturday.
“Two other suicide bombers were killed at the entrance of Islah al-Zeraee district,” he added. “Another bomber and four members were also killed in the liberated district of Mesherfa.” Earlier on Saturday, the paramilitary troops of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) freed five villages in Qairawan region, in west of Mosul near Nineveh’s borders with Syria, and blocked the road linking between the region and Sinjar district.
On Friday, Iraqi troops took over Islah al-Zeraee district. The eastern side of Mosul was recaptured in January after three months of battles. Iraqi generals expect the western side of the city to be retaken this month after another offensive was launched in February.
In related news, a source from the Iraqi army’s elite Counter-Terrorism Service announced encountering suicide attacks by IS militants in western Mosul. “The Rapid Response troops faced a suicide attack in the industrial zone in west of Mosul, which left seven IS militants killed,” Lt.Gen. Ali Mohsen, of the CTS, told BasNews on Saturday.
“Two other suicide bombers were killed at the entrance of Islah al-Zeraee district,” he added. “Another bomber and four members were also killed in the liberated district of Mesherfa.” Earlier on Saturday, the paramilitary troops of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) freed five villages in Qairawan region, in west of Mosul near Nineveh’s borders with Syria, and blocked the road linking between the region and Sinjar district.
On Friday, Iraqi troops took over Islah al-Zeraee district. The eastern side of Mosul was recaptured in January after three months of battles. Iraqi generals expect the western side of the city to be retaken this month after another offensive was launched in February.
In the Iraqi province of Diyala, A soldier was killed, while a paramilitary personnel was injured as result of an IED blast that took place in a liberated village, northeast of Baquba, news report mentioned.
A bomb exploded while a joint patrol was passing near Rabie’a village, in the vicinity of Saadiya district, leaving a soldier killed and a member of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) injured, al-Furat al-Ikhbari news website quoted a local source from Diyala province as saying.
Violence in the country surged further with the emergence of Islamic State Sunni extremist militants who proclaimed an “Islamic Caliphate” in Iraq and Syria. According to a monthly count by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), violence and armed conflicts claimed the lives of 317 Iraqis, and caused injuries to 403 others during the month of April.
The total figure of victims signalled a drop from 1115 victims in March. Nineveh, where U.S.-backed Iraqi government troops are caught up in battles against Islamic State militants in Mosul since October, came on top of the most affected governorate, with 276 casualties (153 killed, 123 injured). Baghdad Governorate came next with 55 killed and 179 injured. Salahuddin came third, with 15 killed and 43 injured.
IS still holds a few areas in Salahuddin, Diyala, Anbar and Kirkuk, but the Iraqi government, is expected to aim at those strongholds once the Mosul battle is concluded. The group is believed to have begun escalation of attacks outside Mosul, where the group has been losing ground and personnel since October.
On the political side, former Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki stressed the need for eliminating extremism to pave the way for cleansing the country from terrorism, calling for holding the coming elections on time. He stressed the need for not allowing anyone committing violations against the Iraqi people under any pretexts.
Iraqi President Fuad Masum and former vice president Nouri al-Maliki arrived on Saturday in Najaf governorate, a well-informed source said. A number of senior officials received Masum and Maliki when they arrived in central Iraq. The visit aims to participate in a tribal conference that will is held by Beni Hasan tribe.