Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (Hashd Al-Sha'abi)

Iraqi border forces repelled an attack by elements of ISIS Organization, in al-Waleed border outlet with Syria, while International Coalition artillery shelled the sites of ISIS from the liberated Mosul airport, in a new development witnessed in the operation of liberating Nineveh.
This coinciding with the aid agencies' warning that the most dangerous phase, in the attack on Mosul is about to begin, for hundreds of thousands of civilians. The United Nations has warned that up to 400 thousand civilians will displace during the new offensive, amid shortages of food and fuel.

Iraqi Federal Police (IFP) cleared the airport from bombs and booby traps planted by the organization, which withdrew from its positions there, Thursday. Iraqi forces plan to reform the airport, and to use it as a base to expel extremists from neighborhoods west of Mosul.

In a related context, security source confirmed that the international coalition forces shelled with heavy artillery, from Mosul International Airport, targets of ISIS sites in the Wadi Hajar area, south of the city.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, was announced the launching of the liberalization process of the right side of Mosul. 

Iraqi joint forces and achieved rapid progress in liberalizing the right side of Mosul operations, while those forces are on the outskirts of the government complex in the city.

The head of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, said that the independence of Kurds from Iraq's is an internal affair with the Iraqi government in Baghdad, and Tehran or Ankara has no relationship to this issue.

Meanwhile, Federal police and an elite Interior Ministry unit known as Rapid Response have completely recaptured Hawi al-Josaq just north of the airport and begun clearing houses in the Tayyaran district.

The advancing forces are now less than three kilometers (two miles) from the mosque in Mosul’s old city where Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared a caliphate in 2014 spanning Iraq and Syria, sparking an international military campaign to defeat the group.