Iraqi joint forces

Iraqi joint forces managed to liberate Ghozlani Camp in the southern area of Mousl and Abu Seif Plateau and its surrounding villages in the southern area of Mousl's right bank. 

Salah Al Din Governor Ahmed Abdullah Al Jabori stressed that the Iraqi forces control the security situation in Ishaki district, saying that they managed to kill all suicide bombers who attempted to execute terrorist attacks there to allow the extremist group control the southern entry of the district. He praised the efforts exerted by the Popular Mobilization Forces and local police to undermine their plans.

He denied what was published in social media websites over the presence of extremist elements in the district calling the residents not to respond to the rumours aiming to raise their fears and undermine their confidence in the local authorities.

He stressed that the extremist group use such rumors to destabilize the areas controlled by the Iraqi forces, saying that the residents should perform a role to counter such attempts. He added that the will of Iraqi people is stronger than the extremist group's attempts.

On his hand, leader of Federal Police Shaker Gawdat appreciated the role of air forces to support the operations conducted by the Iraqi forces, stressing that the International Coalition provides the necessary support for their operations to liberate the areas controlled by ISIS.

He added that the role performed by his forces is not limited to the military operations against the extremist militias but it extends to the delivery of humanitarian aids to the residents suffering from displacement and removal of mines planted by the militants in the roads.

The federal police said, in a statement, that they managed to cleanse Abu Seif district from the extremist elements, while they prepare currently for liberating Mousl Airport. The statement added that the Iraqi police forces forced the elements of ISIS to withdraw from the airport's surrounding areas.

In the same context, the Iraqi forces managed to liberate Ghozlani Camp located in the southern area of Mousl, saying that they found a laboratory to make explosives and missels and stores of weapons.

However, Popular Mobilization Forces issues a statement revealing their success to kill nine extremists and destroying two bombing wheels during the attempt of the extremist group to attack the areas controlled by their forces.

On the other hand, Iraqi Premiere Haider Al Abadi revealed thatthe international leaders he met during his participation in Munich Security Conference described the Iraqi victories as miracle, as they praised the role performed by the security forces to protect the civilian people during the current operations to liberate Mousl.

He stressed that there is no foreign ground troops participating in the military operations against ISIS, saying that there are a number of foreign military advisers.