The Iraqi governmental troops

The Iraqi governmental troops resumed their fight against ISIS extremist group, as they managed to kill dozens of extremists during the current battles in Dawasa strategic district and its surrounding area. According to a statement, the anti-extremism troops resumed advance to liberate Mousl’s right bank in cooperation with the Iraqi air forces.
Military media cell said that the federal police achieved a notable advance towards the districts of Dendan and Dawasa, cleansing a large number of buildings from the extremist groups, including the governmental building of water and electricity in addition to Nineveh’s Courts complex and police station.
It added that they managed to bomb 30 explosive devices and found 150 others, saying that they also killed a large number of extremists loyal to ISIS. It said that they also destroyed a number of car bombs, and six motorcycles, and three bombing wheels. The governmental troops seized a large amount of weapons and equipment and destroyed a laboratory to make bombs and found four explosive belts.
The statement added that the Iraqi governmental troops resumed inspecting the liberated villages and areas to cleanse them from the explosive devices and mines planted by the extremist groups in the houses and roads.
The military media cell also praised the role performed by the Iraqi air forces to cover 45 combat missions, as they managed to kill a large number of extremists and destroyed weapons stores and a large amount of equipment, explosive devices, car bombs and laboratories to make bombs.
Iraqi Federal Police said that the forces managed to restore control on governmental buildings, including the Courts complex, police stations and power and water stations. It added that the operations led to the killing 135 extremists and the destruction of 24 bombing wheels in addition to 156 explosive devices.
According to a military source, ISIS turned to use new tactics to prevent the advance of Iraqi troops to the districts of the old city, as they force the citizens to abandon their cars to bomb them. The source added that the leaders of the extremist group fear the increasing protests against its rule undermining their control.
Al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units), said Tuesday they killed ten Islamic State combatants who staged an attack on the force’s entrenchments at al-Hadar desert area. Al-Hashd media said the force detonated three booby-trapped vehicles belonging to the group.
PMUs have been active near the west Mosul town of Tal Afar, a strategic IS stronghold. The force, an alliance of paramilitary Shia militias that turned into a national force in 2016, has recently recaptured several areas around Tal Afar, putting the town under a full siege.
Iraqi government forces on Tuesday took over the government complex in western Mosul, a major victory that security generals say will be highly decisive in ending the battle against IS in their favor. Security forces took over eastern Mosul in January after three months of encounters, and are currently pushing to clear the western region from the extremist group.
Since the campaign for western Mosul began, Iraqi and U.S.-led coalition generals spoke of fast collapses in IS’s defense lines and shrinking in the close circle of aids around the group’s supreme leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.