Israeli Occupation Authorities (IOA).

Israeli Occupation Authorities (IOA) on Wednesday approved the expansion of bypass road 60, which runs between Jerusalem and Hebron.

Head of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee in Bethlehem, Hassan Breijiya told WAFA news agency that Israeli Minister of Communications Yisrael Katz gave orders to start expanding the street according to a plan to surround Al-Arroub refugee camp, located north of Hebron, through four tracks, especially since is it surrounded by Gush Etzion, Migdal Oz, Karemi Tzur Israeli settlements.

The expansion will seize thousands of acres of green lands in the Bethlehem governorate & northern Hebron.

“This decision comes within the framework of extending the influence of the occupation on the province of Bethlehem, as they claim to be an integral part of Greater Jerusalem,” Breijiya said.