Iraq's security agencies

Iraq's security agencies intensified their security measures in four hotels in Baghdad after the recent warning issued by the U.S embassy over potential terrorist attacks targeting them.

According to sources, the security agencies intensified their measures in Mirdean, Mansour, Baghdad and Babel upon intelligence information over potential attacks. They added that it is not known whether the attacks would be implemented with car bombs or suicide attackers.

The sources added that that the security individuals received orders to inspect the visitors and to increase their security measures to secure the hotels during the coming days.

In the same context, Spokesperson of Iraq's Interior Ministry Saad Moen revealed that the security forces managed to arrest a terrorist element during his attempt to escape from Nineveh using a false identification card. He added that the security element acknowledged during the investigation that he cultivated explosives to target the security forces.

On its hand, Iraq's Defense Ministry issues a statement that the military troops launched operations targeting ISIS strongholds in Mousl. It added that they destroyed a large number of car bombs, saying that they imposed a curfew in the city's Nour district.

On the other hand, the United Nations issued a report over ISIS capabilities, stressing that the extremist group faced decline in its financial sources due to the drop in the oil revenues.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned that the group still poses serious threat due to its ability to adapt with its increasing losses during the current battle.

According to the report, ISIS militants are in defensive position in different arenas, including Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Syria, saying that the current financial position of the group forced it to adopt a crisis budget.