The South Kuril Islands.

Japan’s government has voiced a protest to Russia in view of WW2 End anniversary events running on the South Kuril Islands, the country’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said on Tuesday.

"Russia’s reinforced military prescriptive on four northern islands (as Russian southern Kuril Islands are referred to in Japan - TASS) is at variance with Japan’s stance. Exploiting various opportunities, we voice protests regarding the issue. Thus, on September 3, we voiced a protest through diplomatic channels via Japan’s Embassy in Moscow, noting that this was unacceptable," he said speaking about Tokyo’s reaction on such events running on the Kuril Islands.

Russia and Japan have been holding consultations to clinch a peace treaty as a follow-up to World War 2 since the mid-20th century. The Kuril Islands issue remains the sticking point since after WW2 the islands were handed over to the Soviet Union while Japan has laid claims to the four southern islands. In 1956, the two countries signed a common declaration on ending the state of war and restoring diplomatic and all other relations, however, a peace treaty has still not been reached. Moscow has stated many times that Russia’s sovereignty over the islands could not be questioned.