The King said these “require the utmost engagement from this esteemed assembly in terms of oversight

Jordanian King Abdullah on Sunday opened the Parliament's second ordinary session, where he delivered the Speech from the Throne.
In the speech, His Majesty started with commending the legislature’s performance during the past session, resulting in “the endorsement of a package of vital legislation encompassing several key sectors, in line with our keenness to develop the performance of the judiciary, enhance the rule of law and nurture the foundations of our civil state,” asserting that the government “must remain transparent, realistic and proactive, without hesitation”. 
He also expressed pride in the progress made to the democratisation process, especially the success of the local polls held in August, marking the start of the decentralisation process and a new style in local governance.  
On national priorities, the King said these “require the utmost engagement from this esteemed assembly in terms of oversight and legislation in the service of Jordanians”.   
 He said, “At this key stage in our democratisation process marked by continued achievements we commend the efforts recently exerted by this esteemed assembly in cooperation with the government, which were characterised by constructiveness, and a spirit of responsibility and partnership.”
As a result, he said, the endorsement of a package of vital legislation encompassing several key sectors, in line with our keenness to develop the performance of the judiciary, enhance the rule of law, and nurture the foundations of our civil state. He called the parliamentarians to continue with this approach of cooperation between the executive and legislative authorities.
 He added, “In order to achieve these priorities, the government must work to implement the Jordan Economic Growth Plan over the coming years, endorsed to boost economic growth and to capitalise on all available regional and international opportunities to improve citizens’ standard of living, support the middle class and protect low-income families. The Government must also continue to implement the National Strategy for Human Resources Development and see through the e-government programme to transform into a paperless government.”
He added that he has constantly asserted that government must remain transparent, realistic and proactive, without hesitation.
 He stressed, “Our success in forging ahead on the path of growth and prosperity, and countering the forces of evil and the khawarej of this age would not have been possible without the unity and solidarity of Jordanians.”
Here, he added, the Jordanian government should pay tribute to the relentless efforts of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army and security agencies to safeguard the homeland, its prosperity and independence, day and night. To them, we give a salute of respect and appreciation for their sacrifices and heroisms, and we commit to supporting them to undertake their sacred duties.