Low-level representation for the U.S in Astana talks
Deputy Spokesperson of the U.S Department of State Mark Toner

The U.S will participate in Astana meeting scheduled to be held on Monday, as the spokesman of Russia’s Kremlin Demetri Peskov stressed the need for the American role to resolve the Syrian crisis.

Deputy Spokesperson of the U.S Department of State Mark Toner said that his country will be represented during the talks aiming to handle the Syrian crisis, saying that the American delegation will be headed by U.S Ambassador to Kazakhstan.

Meanwhile, Russian presidency stressed the need for a serious role to the U.S to end the Syrian conflict. Spokesperson of Kremlin Demetri Peskov said that the Syrian crisis will not be resolved with the U.S.

He added that Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to meet with his American counterpart, while the preparations for such a meeting could take months.