Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz

Mauritanian people are wondering if Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz will nominate his friend commander of the armies, General Mohamed Ould Ghazouani, for the office of president of the republic after the end of his period or not?
A question in which the Mauritanians are still asking after the confirmation of Mauritanian President for the first time that he would support a candidate in the upcoming elections in 2019.

Mauritanian president said in an interview with western channel that he does not seek to stand for the third time because it is not allowed by the country's constitution, but he would support a candidate for the elections, stressing that this is his right, which is also his responsibility.

Ghazouani is the second character in the real power. He is the leader of the Mauritanian armies, has a strong personal relationship with Aziz, and shows a great loyalty during the rule after the 2005 coup. Observers point out that he was able to take the power on different occasions, especially after the attack on the president, which the Mauritanians do not know its source until now, but he preferred to be loyal to his friend.

On October 13, 2012, Aziz was wounded by bullets and was evacuated to France for treatment, where he spent a long time ridden his bed, and during this period, Gen. Ghazouani was the real ruler of the country without declaring it.

Followers of Mauritania political affairs believed that President Aziz is impose any candidate, and the imposition of his winning as well, as long as holds the power through using the state's institutions to satisfy his desires.

After the new statements of president Aziz, it became clear that he prepares a candidate to leave the power in his hand and secures himself through his friend, so it seems most likely that he will support Ghazouani to take the office.