Agadir - Mohamed Al Fakir
Illegal immigrants from sub-Saharan countries crossing the Mediterranean Sea
The Moroccan navy has rescused a group of 28 immigrants on the strait of Gibraltar on Saturday who were attempting to cross over Spain and became stranded.
A source told ArabsToday that the immigrant can from a Saharan
country and was attempting to reach the Spanish bank using a rubber boat and was towing five other boats full of stowaways. The boats engine failed and the immigrant was found suspended in the Mediterranean Sea north of the Gibraltar strait.
The channel is under British occupation, but the Navy Salvage division interfered after it was informed the boats were full of people.
The source affirmed that the boats were successfully intercepted and all aboard had been evacuated and given medical attention.
The immigrants have been taken to the reception centres in Morocco and are waiting to be deported to their countries of origin. The authorities are carrying out investigations to identify the leader of these operations.
The Moroccan authorities are launching an austere campaign on these illegal immigration networks. Many people are smuggled from the North Moroccan border to South Spain yearly. Many drowning accidents also occur during the trips, causing the death of thousands of people within the past two decades.