Results of Arab leaders summit in Jordan

The Arab leaders, stressed, at the end of their 28th summit held on Wednesday under the chairmanship of King Abdullah II, in the Dead Sea region, that protecting the Arab world from the dangers and building the best future four their peoples need joint Arab action.

They renewed their rejection of all unilateral Israeli steps aimed at changing facts on the ground and undermining the two-state solution, calling Washington and the world not to transfer their embassies to occupied Jerusalem.

They also denounced "foreign interference" in their affairs, in reference to Iran, and called for the settlement of conflicts that are tearing the region apart.

The final communique of the Arab Summit, concluded Wednesday in Amman, emphasized that the Arab countries will continue to work towards re-launching serious and effective peace negotiations between the Palestinians and Israelis to end this conflict based on the two-state solution, which brings about a Palestinian state on pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.
The statement, read by Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit, stressed that peace remains a strategic Arab option as envisioned in the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, which is the most comprehensive plan that is capable of achieving historic peace.
It voiced rejection of all unilateral Israeli measures aimed at altering the legal and historical status of Muslim and Christian holy shrines in occupied Jerusalem. The statement paid tribute to Jordan's efforts to safeguard holy places in the city.
The statement demanded full implementation of relevant UN Security Council resolutions that declare null and void all Israeli measures designed to change the identity of Jerusalem. It demanded world countries not to relocate their embassies to Jerusalem or declare the city a capital of Israel.
The statement said Arab countries will mobilize all resources to fight terrorism and defeat terrorists on all fronts be they military or ideological. It added that terrorism must be uprooted to defend Islam and the values of tolerance, peace and respect of life.
The statement voiced the Arab countries' deep concern of mounting Islamophobia and attempts to link terrorism with Islam, saying such attempts serve terrorist groups which have nothing to do with Islam and its tolerant teachings.
Additionally, the statement condemned violence and human rights violations practiced against Myanmar's Muslim Rohingya minority, urging the international community to act and put an end to such violations.
The statement emphasized that Arab countries remain keen on having good-neighborliness and cooperation with regional countries to serve peace, security and development in the region. It voiced rejection of all attempts designed to destabilize the region and foment sectarian strife.
The statement reaffirmed the UAE's sovereignty on its three Islands occupied by Iran, calling on Tehran to respond to the UAE's initiative to find a peaceful solution to this issue either through direct negotiations or international arbitration.
On Somalia, the statement congratulated the people of the Republic of Somalia on completing the electoral process, assuring Arab's support for them in their efforts to rebuild their country, confront economic and development challenges and fight terrorism.
On the 2014 Kuwait Summit, the statement renewed commitment to the that summit's declaration, which called upon all stakeholders in the educational process in the Arab countries to develop qualitative education curricula, especially the scientific curricula, to ensure that graduates have the knowledge and skills that enable them to contribute to advancing the development process and achieve the comprehensive Arab renaissance.
The statement instructed the Economic and Social Council of the Arab League, to prepare an action plan to implement the decisions of previous summits, aimed at developing economic and Arab cooperation, increasing trade exchange, linking infrastructure in the fields of transport and energy, and enhancing joint investments in Arab countries.
It voiced appreciation for the achievements made in the area of sustainable development, which economic policies must strive to maximize, saying Arab countries mandated the council to present proposals for the development of partnership with the private sector, creating a stimulating investment environment and making comprehensive recommendations before the upcoming summit.
The statement said will maintain close coordination and consultation in order to advance efforts to resolve crises, sustainable development, strengthen democratic values and uphold human rights.
Finally, the statement thanked Jordan and its people for their warm welcome and good preparation of the summit. It commended His Majesty King Abdullah II for his efforts to make the summit a platform for open and positive dialogue to improve intra-Arab relations and consolidate pan-Arab cooperation.