Russian President Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin has indicated he has ordered his military to withdraw a "significant part" of Russia's forces from Syria, after regaining control of most of the country. Russia would now focus on talks between the Syrian opposition and the government. Russian President Vladimir Putin made stops Monday in Turkey, Syria and Egypt to cover a broad range of political, economic and military topics during meetings with the leaders of all three countries.

During a Cairo news conference, Putin announced what he called Russia's withdrawal of a "significant" portion of its military forces operating in Syria. Putin said the Russian military, with the backing of Russian airpower, is close to regaining control of all of Syria and the goals of the Russian military had been met for the most part. The Russian president noted Moscow would now concentrate on the ongoing Syrian "national dialogue," and requested Egypt's support in helping to bring the various parties together.

During a Cairo news conference, Putin announced what he called Russia's withdrawal of a "significant" portion of its military forces operating in Syria. Putin said the Russian military, with the backing of Russian airpower, is close to regaining control of all of Syria and the goals of the Russian military had been met for the most part.

The Russian president noted Moscow would now concentrate on the ongoing Syrian "national dialogue," and requested Egypt's support in helping to bring the various parties together. Putin's visit to Cairo followed an unexpected stop at Russia's Hemeimeem airbase in Latakia, Syria, where he met with Syrian President Bashar al Assad. Syrian media reported Assad thanked Putin for Russia's "role in fighting terrorism in Syria."

The Russian president also vowed to help Egypt fight terrorism, referring to a draft military agreement that had been signed by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, during a late November visit to Cairo.

On military side, violations continue in the areas of the American – Russian –Jordanian agreement, which has been in force in the Syrian south since the 9th of July 2017, where a child was killed as a result of a rocket shelling by the regime forces targeting areas in Daraa al-Mahatta in Daraa city, also the regime forces targeted places in Daraa al-Balad again this evening, also a shootout took place between the factions against the regime forces and militiamen loyal to them in al-Manshiya area in Daraa al-Balad, while 2 persons were injured in the fall of shells launched by the factions on areas in the neighborhoods of al-Mahatta and Shamal al-Khat, which are under the control of the regime forces in Daraa city.

More airstrikes were carried out by warplanes on areas in the southeastern countryside of Idlib and the northeastern countryside of Hama, where they targeted Abu Dali town and al-Mushrifah village, while the calm has returned to clash areas in both countryside after the violent clashes they had witnessed today, between the regime forces and militiamen loyal to them of Syrian and non-Syrian nationalities against Hayyaat Tahrir al-Sham and the rebel and Islamic factions.

regime forces have renewed the rocket shelling on areas in Beit Jinn Farm and Mughr al-Mir town west of Rif Dimashq, also areas southwest of Rif Dimashq are witnessing renewed clashes, where the Syrian observatory published hours ago that Clashes are taking place between the regime forces backed by their allied militiamen against the Islamic and rebel factions and Hayaat Tahrir Al-Sham in areas in the southwestern Rif Dimashq.