Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, reiterated his rejection of Hezbollah's weapons, stressing that current conditions are not appropriate to meet with Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, noting that his relationship with Saudi Arabia is not in doubt.

He said that Iran and the regime of President Bashar al-Assad are behind the failure to resolve the Syrian crisis, which entered its seventh year.

This came in an interview with the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram published on Tuesday, hours before his arrival to Cairo, to head the Lebanese delegation at a session of the Lebanese-Egyptian Higher Joint Committee, aimed at strengthening relations between the two countries
"Unfortunately, the party is an essential element of the national division and the weakness of the state," Hariri stated regarding Hezbollah position in Lebanon.  "There is no legitimacy for any weapon except for the Lebanese army and our security institutions, and every other weapon is subject to disagreement and disagreement," Hariri said.

"The dialogue is continuing with Hezbollah, and we are still on our stand from its weapons," he said.

On the Lebanese-Gulf relations, Hariri said, "It is no secret that the attack by some Lebanese parties on the GCC countries has negatively impacted their relations with Lebanon." As a government, we have made many contacts to overcome what happened and the visit of President Michel Aoun to Saudi Arabia and Qatar has contributed largely in clarifying Lebanon's position and emphasizing the good relations with the Gulf countries in general.

Regarding the Egyptian-Lebanese relations, Hariri said that Lebonan rejects any attempt by any party to use Lebanon as a platform or to exploit it as a platform to target the security of Egypt or others, and the conviction that Arab security is linked to each other, and any vibration or targeting of any Arab country will affect other countries in one way or another.

Regarding the Arab Summit, which is scheduled to be held in the end of March, the Lebanese PM stressed that the Arab summit is an important and appropriate event to send a clear message to opponents and friends that the nucleus of Arab convergence is still possible and can be launched to overcome Arab differences and divisions, no matter how difficult and complex.