Saddam Hussein

Saddam Hussein grandson, Hussein Nasri reveled that he left Iraq since he was 9 years old, recalling some detailed memories during a call phone with “Al-Mundo” newspaper, about his grandfather. He said that since the invasion they constantly changed their address, and went north when they lefy Baghdad until they reached Rabia Village near the Syrian borders, and from there they landed in Jordan.
Nasri mentioned all the places they passed and the troubles they faced, saying that he left the country with his mother, aunt, brothers and cousins. He spent his childhood in courts’ garden and all that was left from it is a photograph of him, his grandfather and his brother.

He lived in Iraq until 2003, and always recalling his grandfather’s advices during family reunions, saying that his grandfather always cared for every member in the family.

He said that Saddam Hussein always encouraged his family to commit to national thought and ethics, and his teachings remained with his sons all the time. In 2003 Saddam with caught in a farm near his hometown Tikrit, but this arrest didn’t stop him from communicating with his family through lawyers.

He recalled his last meeting with his uncles Qusay and Uday Hussein who were killed in US raids on Mosul in July in 2003, and were buried near Tikrit. Before his father arrest ,Uday who was known for his temper and strange character killed his father’s cook during a dinner in honor of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Suzanne Mubarak. Nasri added that Saddam’s grandsons still holding to the glory of the past and it does not matter where they are living now.

Nasri said that the Royal Jordanian family received them on entering the country, showing great hospitality towards them, but after a while all relations with them were broken, adding that he lived in Jordan more than he did in Iraq, but he wishes to go back to Iraq someday, and what is happing in the country is a natural reaction, and it has always been in war because of its wealth.
He added that Iraq today only reflect death and terrorism from every corner of the country. Rana Saddam Hussein married Hussein Kamel and ran to Amman defying Saddam Hussein, and return to Baghdad after 12 months to be executed on Saddam’s orders. This incident did not affect Ansari’s admiration of his grandfather, saying that everyone makes mistakes, and if he was in his shoes ,he won’t act like him especially during the country circumstances at that time.

Hussein Nasri is a Real Madrid fan, currently studying marketing in one of the elite American universities in Jordan ,dedicated to high ranked leaders sons and daughters.