Strategic Euphrates Dam stops working

The Euphrates Dam which is located on the Euphrates River north of al-Tabaqa city in the western countryside of al-Raqqah has stopped working, the reasons are still unknown until now, where sources suggested that the Dam has stopped because of a power outage, which is being generated from the dam automatically.

 The intersecting sources confirmed that the main body of the Dam and the main turbines are still under the control ISIS organization and that the Syria Democratic Forces were not able to control them until right now.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) monitored the battle since its beginning on the 9th of March until the 25th of the same month, and documented significant casualties in the ranks of both parties, where the observatory documented the death of 82 members at least of the regime forces and militiamen loyal to them of Syrian and non-Syrian nationalities, including 9 officers at least. 

The Syrian Observatory also documented the death of at least 115 fighters of Rahman Corps, Hayyaat Tahrir al-Sham and Ahrar al-Sham. The violent clashes, bombings and exchange of shelling have also injured tens of both parties which may raise the death toll.

The killing of Syrian citizens from Al-Raqqa governorate and the displaced people escalated during the past week due to the intensive strikes carried out by the international coalition aircraft on several areas in the western countryside of al-Raqqa.

The SOHR, during this period, documented 89 civilian deaths, after successive massacres committed by the international coalition aircraft in the town of Al-Taba, and in a school sheltering displaced persons in Al-Mansoura area. Among the martyrs were 8 children under the age of 18, 7 females, while the number of martyrs is still increasing with the presence of dozens of wounded in serious cases, and the presence of dozens of missing. The SOHR also documented 35 dead among the total number of martyrs who died in the school of displaced persons in Mansoura, in addition to dozens of wounded and missing persons.

Syrian warplanes carried out several raids targeted the areas in the Joubar neighborhood on the outskirts of the eastern capital, accompanied by Syrian government forces' shelling of areas in the neighborhood. Government forces also shelled at least four rockets, believed to be ground-to-ground, in al-Qaboun district, information of casualties reported, while clashes took place between ISIS organization Tahrir al-Sham militants in Yarmouk camp south of the capital, and reports of casualties on both sides.

The warplanes carried out several raids on areas in northern Hama, while the northern Hama countryside witnessed a reciprocal bombardment between the Syrian regime forces and their loyal supporters on the one hand and the Islamic factions and the fighters on the other. Helicopters also shelled the areas of Halfaia, in the northern Hama countryside, killing a man in the town

In the same context, warplanes renewed their targeting this morning for areas in the towns of Soran, Maardis, Marzaf, Khattab, al-Majdal and al-Hijamah village, no information about casualties, while clashes are taking place between the regime forces and militiamen loyal to them against Hayyaat Tahrir al-Sham,  Jaysh al-Nasr, Ajnad al-Sham, Idlib Free Army, Jaysh al-Izza and jihadist groups composed mostly of Uzbek, Turkistan and Caucasians fighters and other factions in Kawkab area in the northeastern countryside of Hama, in an attack by the last mentioned in an attempt to regain control of Kawkab village.