Iraqi security forces

Iraqi security forces intensified their security measures in Salah Al Din province after the terrorist attacks witnessed in Hajaj village of Tikret. The coty's Governor Ahmed Al Jabori said that the attacks aim to destabilize the security and to terrorize the people.

According to security source, three explosive belts have bombed in a wedding in the village leading to the killing of 30 persons and the injury of 45. It added that the security forces intensified their presence in the area in anticipation to any potential attacks after the bombings.

On his hand, Jabori said that the attacks come as a reaction from the extremist group to their consecutive defeats in the Iraqi city of Mousl. He added that the major objective of these attacks is to terrorize the Iraqi people and to destabilize the security in the country.

He added, "Our message to ISIS is to unify ourselves to confront their plans aiming to destabilize the country during the coming period." He called the Iraqi citizens for cooperating with the security forces and army to eliminate the extremist groups from the country as soon as possible.

On the other hand, former VIA Director David Petraus praised the role performed by anti-extremism troops in Iraq, describing them as the strongest special forces in the Middle East. He praised the keenness of the Iraqi forces to protect the lives of civilian people. He called the Iraqi troops for inspecting Mousl's buildings not to allow the enemies return again to the city.

On the military side, the Iraqi troops managed to liberate Badosh prison raising the Iraqi flags overits walls. The Iraqi forces currently work to inspect its cells. The federal police also liberated 10 prisoners trotures by the extremist elements of ISIS