Syrian Military Forces

Syrian Military Forces, managed to advance to a distance of seven kilometers in the strategic city of al-Bab, in the countryside of Aleppo, which is controlled by ISIS, after controling of three villages, to reach the outskirts of the town of Tedef. Meanwhile, Turkey is mobilized its troops from the northern side of the city after several failed attempts of al-Furat Shield factions to advance toward the city.

Turkish forces launched regular air raids on the city to support the ground offensive inside Syrian territory since last August, targeting ISIS and Kurdish fighters.

Amaq News Agency broadcasted pictures show the raging battles with the Syrian army troops southwest of al-Bab city, the ISIS most prominent strongholds in the countryside of eastern Aleppo. It is expected that the extremist organization will fight furiously in al-Bab city because of its strategic importance for its stronghold in Raqqa.

The militant groups in Syria are experiencing many complications between currents intellectually affiliated to al-Qaeda, and others follow other militant ideas, competed with each other on the arena of Sham. The militant groups have split into two clear camps, the first led by the al-Nusra Front, and the second led by Ahrar al-Sham Movement.

 Al-Nusra Front's factions, Harakat Nur al-Din Al-Zanki, Jaysh al-Sunna, Ansar al-Din Front, and al-Haq Brigade and other brigades, they announced  have announced their full and complete integration within a new body under name of Tahrir al-Sham body led by the engineer Abu Hashem Jaber Al-Sheikh.

Meanwhile, the factions of Soqur al-Sham, Jaysh al-Islam (Idlib sector), Jaysh al-Mujahideen, Levant Front (western countryside of Aleppo sector)  and other brigades announced their integration within a new body under name of movement of Ahrar al-Sham.