Clashes also erupted between the governmental troops and armed opposition

Syrian opposition managed to prevent the governmental troops loyal to Syria’s President Bashar Al Assad from achieving any advance towards the front of Barza Gardens in the eastern side of Damascus, as they managed to undermine a tank possessed by the governmental troops and killed a number of military troops working with the Syrian army.

Clashes also erupted between the governmental troops and armed opposition near Qabon district. The clashes coincided with artillery attack launched by the governmental troops against the strongholds of the opposition in the areas of clash with no information about humanitarian losses.

In the same context, clashes erupted between the governmental troops and ISIS extremist group near Yarmouk Camp, as the governmental troops targeted the strongholds with machine guns and missiles. The Syrian army also targeted areas in Damascus countryside, leading to the killing of three civilians.

Clashes took place after midnight yesterday between the regime forces and militiamen loyal to them against ISIS organization in the area of the ​​silos and Talila junction east of Palmyra city in the eastern countryside of Homs, and information about casualties in the ranks of both parties, amid intense aerial bombardment on the clash areas and on positions of the organization in al-Mazar Mountain, Antar Mountain and armament warehouses north of Palmyra city in the eastern countryside of Homs.

The warplanes carried out several raids on areas in the village of Jafer Mansur in the southern countryside of Aleppo, there were no reports of casualties.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) monitord that the prices of foodstuffs continued to rise rapidly as the purchasing power of citizens in the city of al-Raqqa declined. The roadblocks imposed by the siege of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) supported by the Arab elite forces and the international coalition forces in the city of Raqqa were the direct cause of the beginning of the poor humanitarian situation in the city, which destroyed the old and new Raqqa's bridges on the 3rd of February 2017.

The regime forces shelled areas of the town of Otaya and al-Salhiya in Al-Marj area in the eastern Ghouta, but there were no reports of casualties. Meanwhile, regime forces  shelled areas in the town of Saqba in the eastern Ghouta, killing one man and injuring at least 14 others, including civilians and children, while a number of wounded were injured as a result of government shelling of areas in the towns of Hazrama and Nashabiya in the eastern Ghouta, and government forces renewed shelling of areas in the town of Jisreen in the city.

Warplanes carried out raids on places in Jericho area located in the southern countryside of Jisr al-Shughur city in the western countryside of Idlib, no information about casualties yet, also warplanes bombed places in Kanisat Nakhlah area and the outskirts of al-Shegher village causing the death of a person and injuring several others, while a citizen woman was killed in shelling on Ghassaniya area in the countryside of Jisr al-Shughur. 

Warplanes also bombed places in Sarmada in the northern countryside of Idlib and other areas close to Babsqa which is near the border line, while a member of the gunmen loyal to the regime was killed by sniper shot in al-Fu’aa town which is inhabited by Shiite citizens in the northeastern countryside of Idlib.

Four civilians, including three civilians from one family, were killed and many others injured as a result of the bombing of warplanes in Rif al-Mohandesin area in the western countryside of Aleppo. Violent clashes continued between regime forces and ISIS organization, in the vicinity of Deir al-Zour military airport and the vicinity of brigade 137.

A militant from the Islamic factions was killed in clashes with government forces and pro-government militants in the Manshiyya district of Deraa. Regime forces shelled areas on the outskirts of the Yarmouk refugee camp south of the capital on Sunday, accompanied by clashes between regime forces and their loyal supporters against other fighters in the outskirts of the camp.