Three Syrian refugees were killed in Arsal

Three Syrian refugees were killed Wednesday by Hezbollah artillery shelling over a camp on the outskirts of the Lebanese border town of Arsal, according to a Syrian activist from inside the town. "Dozens of rocket shells fell in the vicinity of Wadi Hamid camp, located on the outskirts of Arsal, killing three of the Syrian refugees,” the source, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told Anadolu Agency.
"This is not the first time the camp came under shelling by Hezbollah on the pretext that they target elements belong to Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham group claiming they are hidden inside the camp," he added. The Syrian activist refuted the presence of gunmen inside the camp, which, according to him, “contains 1,400 refugees".
Hezbollah troops and Syrian Air Force (SAF) jets launched an attack last Friday on militants in the Lebanese border region of Arsal. The town of Arsal, which lies around 125 kilometers (78 miles) northeast of Beirut, has been the scene of frequent fighting between Syrian armed groups, Hezbollah and the Lebanese army.
In the same context, Ten civilians were killed and several others were wounded in an air strike, carried out by the Syrian regime on the town of Arbin, in eastern Ghouta. Qasioun News reported that the Syrian regime carried out an air strike, using eight thermobaric rockets, on Arbin Town, in eastern Ghouta of Damascus, killing ten civilians, including seven children and two women, as well as wounding fifty others with different injuries.
Yesterday, Syrian Army Aviation conducted six other air strikes on the city, leaving several casualties and inflicting significant damage to the area. It is noteworthy, Syrian regime announced ceasing fire in the countryside of Damascus, after agreeing with both the opposition and Russia on a truce, including eastern Ghouta.
On the other hand, A group of the Popular Mobilization Forces militia (al-Hashd al-Shaabi) in Syria has moved toward the Syrian Badiyah, to back the regime forces in the military operations taking place in Deir Ezzor Province.
Qasioun News reported that a group of the newly formed Syrian al-Hashd al-Shaabi militia moved toward the Syrian Badiyah, to participate with the regime forces in the operation codenamed, “Lifting the siege” in the province of Deir Ezzor.
Recently, social media outlets and activists published news about the formation of new militia in the city of Hasakah, and it was officially formed under the title “Syrian Popular Mobilization Forces” with the participation of more than five thousand militants.
Local sources told Qasioun News that the Syrian regime forces started to encourage people to join the newly formed militia for a monthly salary of US$ 200, since the beginning of this year.
Moreover, sources said that rebels who are willing to reconcile with the Syrian regime, and those who missed military service are allowed to join the Syrian PMF militia.