Tunisian soldiers stand guard outside a house

Research and inspection of Tunisian National Guard in Monastir discovered an extremist cell composed of six elements. The cell’s members acknowledged during the investigations that they described the Tunisian security forces as tyrants and contacted with other extremists existed in Libya.
The Tunisian sources revealed that the extremists acknowledged during the investigations that they work to polarize the Tunisian young people to send them to join the fight in Syria through the Libyan territories, as they provide them with combat exercises in remote locations. They also revealed their intention to join the extremist groups existed in Mali.
Tunisian public prosecution decided to refer the extremists to the court accusing them of joining a terrorist group.
The national guard, on its hand, managed to reach to the cell through following a Facebook account for an unidentified person using a nick name who was publishing a large number of posts to praise ISIS. They managed to reach to the owner of the account, as they discovered that he is a brother of one of ISIS leading fighters in Syria.
During the investigations the young Tunisian acknowledges that he is the owner of the fake account, saying that he uses another account. He added that he uses these accounts to promote for the extremist group.