UN Envoy to Libya Martin Copler

UN Envoy to Libya Martin Copler warned that the terrorist groups still pose major threat against the country despite ISIS failure to control areas in the 

country, stressing the Impossibility of reaching a political solution to the current crisis due to the presence of militias and the spread of weapons.

He added, during his speech before UN Security Council, that the Libyan parliament should respond to the calls for involving the political agreement in any constitutional declaration to pave the way for finding serious solutions to a number of pending issues, including the illegal immigration and human rights.

He stressed the improvement in the economic position in the country, saying that the 72-billion dinar grant provided to the presidential council would resolve the economic problem witnessed in the country. He called the international community to exert more efforts to contain the humanitarian crisis there.

On the other hand, Libya's Salvation government headed by Khalifa Al Ghoweil expressed its refusal to the Memorandum of Understanding concluded between Libyan Prime Minister Fayez Al Sarraj and Italian government to contain the illegal immigration. He said that the Italian government insists on dealing with the issue in illegal way.

He added that the MoU has strategic threats as it considers Libya as a source of illegal immigration, stressing that it could change the demographic map of the country and could leave negative repercussions on its economy.