London's Olympic stadium

London\'s Olympic stadium Nearly two thirds of the 1.9m people who applied for London 2012 Olympics tickets missed out in the first round of sales. Figures show that a total of 1.2m people ended up with nothing, with only 700,000  – 36% – being successful. Those who missed out will be given the first opportunity to buy those tickets still available when the next sales window opens at 6am on 24 June.
Some 3m tickets were bought in the first round, and a further 2.3m will go on sale, though 1.7m of these are for Olympic football matches and 600,000 for other sports.
The London 2012 chairman, Sebastian Coe, told reporters: \"We recognise that a lot of people who have as yet been unsuccessful in that application are clearly disappointed. That\'s why we are absolutely determined to do everything we possibly can to get tickets to those people who missed out in the first application.
\"Our commitment is to get two thirds of that 1.9m people to buy a ticket for the 2012 Games if they want to – and we know they want to be there, they were involved in the application process and are mad sports fans.\"
All applicants will find out by email today whether they have been successful or not. Those told they have been successful will not be able to find out exactly which tickets they have until 24 June when they will be able to do so via their baskets in the online ticket system.
The emails to the 1.2m unsuccessful applicants say: \"We would like to invite you to take advantage of an exclusive opportunity to purchase some of the remaining tickets, in advance of those customers who were allocated tickets in the initial application phase.
\"From 6am on 24 June until 6pm on 3 July 2011 you will be able to request some of the remaining tickets on the London 2012 ticketing website.\"