Streer Artists

Performance welcomed an audience of more than 500 people to honor Moroccan talents in Terasse Des Oudayas, on Saturday.

Young Moroccan artists poured into the event to share their creativity and broaden their networks with people of similar interests.

Musicians, photographers, dancers, circus performers, poets and slam poetry writers gathered together to celebrate the idea that art should not be locked in galleries or studios.

Some audience members knew of the event, others simply passed by and decided to stay, moving around the groups of performers, expressing their appreciation and admiration.

The Street Art Performance started out as a humble idea suggested by a group of Moroccan artists at a previous event.

The first and the second editions (2015-2016) were met with ever-growing success.

Street Art Performance’s third edition was organized by Soufiane Agha Hmidache. As an artist, he touched on the necessity to push the potential of Moroccan talents forward by providing interactive spaces.

When asked about the purpose of the event, Hmidache explained that the public must be aware of the ancient artistic culture of Morocco, which continues to grow and develop in creative ways today.

Hmidache went on to say that “art must not be feared. Parents should encourage their children to practice artistic expression.” Along with other purposes, Street Art performance hopes to promote an artistic tolerance among old and young generations.

D’artna is an NGO that will soon be launched, headed by Hmidache and the event’s co-organizers. The event’s co-organizers and D’artna will seek to develop the Street Art Performance project and assure its continued success.

The Street Art Performance is set to take place three to four times per year beginning this year, as a result of the success it has known in its three editions.










Source :Morocco World News