Mr. Ismail Douiri, the Director-General of Attijariwafa bank

Following the press conference allocated for the submission of the annual results of the Group in 2016, Mr. Ismail Douiri, the Director-General of Attijariwafa bank said, in statements for Arabs Today, that the net earnings of the group rose to 6.7% in 2016, to reach to 5.7 billion dirham, while the group's share rose to 4.8 billion dirham, or 5.7 per cent.

Douiri  stressed that the reasons for these positive reasons are due to the rise in shareholders' equity, which reached to 4.47 billion dirhams, indicating that the group maintained its financial profitability according to the best standards.

Concerning the rise in the net revenues, he explained that net revenues rose to reach 7.19 billion dirhams in the fiscal year 2016, thanks to the good performance of commercial activities on the different poles of the group (The bank in Morocco and the finance companies).

The Director-General of Attijariwafa bank indicated that this is a result of exploitation by 7 percent and amounted to 5.8 billion dirhams, taking advantage of controlling the rising costs of exploitation ( +8.3 per cent) and the low cost of risk b (-7, 0.9 per cent).