UAE's midday working ban begins on June 15

UAE\'s midday working ban begins on June 15 Saudi Arabian authorities have announced that the mandatory midday break for labourers who work in the sun will begin on July 1, Arab News has reported .
In a statement, the Ministry of Labour said workers won\'t be allowed to carry out their duties on site between midday and 3pm during the summer months.
The date is two weeks later than a similar ban in the UAE which is due to start on June 15.
Under Article 236 of Saudi Arabia\'s Labour Law, individuals and companies that violate the midday work ban can be fined up to SR10,000 ($2600) per violation.
\"Violating firms will be closed either for not more than 30 days or once and for all,\" the ministry warned, adding that it may also implement both fine and closure together.