Xiamen Declaration calls for boosting cooperation

The Xiamen Declaration, issued at the end of the BRICS summit that was held here, called for strengthening the constructive cooperation among BRICS countries to support the sustainable development and economic growth.

“We reiterate that it is the overarching objective and our desire for peace, security, development and cooperation that brought us together 10 years ago. BRICS countries have since traversed a remarkable journey together on their respective development paths tailored to their national circumstances, devoted to growing their economies and improving people's livelihoods,” the declaration said.

“Recalling our Summits in Ufa and Goa, we will work together to further enhance BRICS strategic partnership for the welfare of our peoples. We commit ourselves to build upon the outcomes and consensus of our previous Summits with unwavering conviction, so as to usher in the second golden decade of BRICS cooperation and solidarity,” the declaration read.

“We will energize our practical cooperation to boost development of BRICS countries. We will, inter alia, promote exchanges of good practices and experiences on development, and facilitate market inter-linkages as well as infrastructure and financial integration to achieve interconnected development,” the declaration noted.

“We will enhance communication and coordination in improving global economic governance to foster a more just and equitable international economic order,” the declaration said.

“We will emphasize fairness and justice to safeguard international and regional peace and stability,” the declaration added.

“We will embrace cultural diversity and promote people-to-people exchanges to garner more popular support for BRICS cooperation through deepened traditional friendships,” the declaration underlined.

“We note that against the backdrop of more solid global economic growth, enhanced resilience and emerging new drivers, BRICS countries continue to play an important role as engines of global growth,” the declaration stressed.

“We highlight the importance of innovation as a key driver for mid and long term economic growth and global sustainable development. We commit to promote cooperation on science, technology and innovation (STI) to forge synergy in tapping new growth momentum for our five economies and continue to address the development challenges we face,” according to the declaration.

“We reaffirm our commitment to BRICS industrial cooperation, including on industrial capacities and policies, new industrial infrastructure and standards, and among small, micro and medium-sized enterprises (SMMEs), so as to jointly seize the opportunities brought about by the new industrial revolution and expedite our respective industrialization processes,” the declaration emphasized.

“We commit to further promote green development and low-carbon economy, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, enhance BRICS cooperation on climate change and expand green financing,” the declaration said.

“Keenly aware of the negative impact of corruption on sustainable development, we support the strengthening of international cooperation against corruption, including through the BRICS Anti-Corruption Working Group, as well as on matters related to asset recovery and persons sought for corruption,” the declaration announced.

“We express concern over the challenges faced by the African continent in achieving independent and sustainable development and in wildlife conservation. 

We reaffirm our commitment to strengthen cooperation with Africa and help the continent to address illegal wildlife trade, promote employment, food security, infrastructure development and industrialization including through connectivity and developmental initiatives and projects,” the declaration added.

Source: MENA