Beyoncé  posted this image of her during her bike ride on Instagram

Beyoncé  posted this image of her during her bike ride on Instagram As if we need anymore reasons to love Bey - the singer just goes and gives us another.  Hidden by a hat and sunglasses, superstar singer Beyoncé  travelled to a performance in Brooklyn by biking across New York\'s most famous bridge.
Beyoncé  posted an Instagram photo Tuesday to show her ride across the Brooklyn Bridge, the New York Daily News reported. She was dressed for the ride in a blue T-shirt and shorts in addition to the accessories that allowed her to travel unrecognised.
\"I biked to Barclays for my last show in Brooklyn!\" she wrote.
Monday night\'s concert was the last of three in August at the Barclays Centre. Her husband, Jay-Z, who was born in Brooklyn, joined her on stage Monday in an unannounced appearance, doing \"Tom Ford\" from his new album, Magna Charta Holy Grail.