The titles of goodwill ambassadors

The titles of goodwill ambassadors were given in the past only to stars who have their influence in the community, including Safia Omri, who achieved many achievements during her work as ambassador, as well as actress Yousra

However, the title has become like Balfour Declaration, a promise to those who do not deserve it. Is it become a phenomenon of propaganda for the artist and charitable institutions? Arabs Today reveals the details in the following investigation, in which we used the views of some artists.

Actress Hend Sabry said that in spite of her work as a goodwill ambassador, she likes to have an influential and effective role towards the Arab community in general, stressing that she goes to a psychiatrist to get out the painful things she sees every day in the Arab world.

For her part, actress Laila Alawi, stressed that every artist is held accountable only to himself and not to the other.  She added that she works hard in her humanitarian work to help the society, stressing the important role of artists in their communities.

On the other hand, critic Majida Khairallah believes that many Goodwill Ambassadors do not deserve their titles. Meanwhile, Khairallah that some of them had performed their roles in a good way. "The majority do not care about their work in that area, and I can not describe them only as names on paper, and this is not true at a time when the Arab world lives in difficult circumstances, and in dire need of solidarity of all," she said.