Egyptian actress Amy Samir Ghanem

Egyptian actress Amy Samir Ghanem Cairo – Shaima Mekawy Amy Samir Ghanem is a sprightly actress, who has shot to fame in a very short time. Arabstoday: When did you decide to become an actress?

AS: My parents, Samir Ghanem and Dalal Abdel Aziz, encouraged me. They gave me the first push after they discovered my talent.
Arabstoday: How did you start?
AS: Dr Ashraf Zaki asked my father if I could perform  in the play \"Welad el-Laziena\" (Their Sons) I was really scared. I am not like my sister Donia; I get stage fright so to stand on a stage in front of thousands of people watching me directly ... it was extremely difficult. However, after the first day, the fear went away. After that I performed in  my father\'s play \"Tara Lam Lam\".
Arabstoday: Did your father, Samir Ghanem, help you?
AS: My father was supportive of newcomers, however, he ignored me, so that nobody could accuse him of pushing his daughter. I was very nervous about performing in front of him. Once, I forgot my lines in a certain act, and at the end of the play I thought he would be mad at me but he wasn\'t and reminded me of the fact!
Arabstoday:  Your sister Donia Samir Ghanem is also an actress. Has this created any jealousy between you?
AS: Absolutely not. My sister Donia and I encourage one another and we feel happy for each other\'s success.
Arabstoday: Who is your idol, and who is the person who you would most like to perform for?
AS: Ahmed Helmy is my idol. When I first considered of  taking up acting, I hoped to act with him, even for just an episode. This wish came true in the films \"Asal Aswad\" (Black Honey) and \"Bulbul al-Hairan\" (Perplexed Nightingale).
AT: Tel us about backstage  with Ahmed Helmy?
AS: It\'s a lot of fun. Actually working with him is an entertainment in itself. He always gives advice to any actor who stands in front of him and does this in a relaxed way. He is a very modest person too.
Arabstoday: In the  film  \"Samir, Shaheer and Baheer\" you played a very a comedic role, tell us about that?
AS: Indeed.  I played a character called \"Samira Samir\" and despite the fact that the character was a streetwalker, I intended to present it in a humorous way and that\'s why the work was successful.
AT: Do you like to be described as a comedy actress?
AS: No! Despite the fact that I have played several comedy roles, I don\'t like to confine myself to a specific catergory of acting, since I am capable of acting various kinds of roles. One of my earliest roles was in a series called \"Khas Gedan\" (Very Special) with actress Yousra, where I played the role of an simple kind of girl wearing a veil. Hence, I\'d prefer the term \"light comedy\" than \"comedy\".
Arabstoday:  What did you learn from Samir Ghanem?
AS: Humour.
Arabstoday: What did you learn from Dalal Abdel Aziz?
AS: Work commitment.
Arabstoday: Will we see you in anything soon?
AS: Yes, in film called  \"Teta Raheeba\" (Awesome Grandma), which stars Mohammed Henedi.  It is a comedy and it will surprise the audience!