Some TV dramas are facing financial problems, which made them likely to leave the Ramadan season

Some TV dramas are facing financial problems, which made them likely to leave the Ramadan season, despite the early shooting. On top of these dramas is “Noah” series, starring Hassan al-Raddad.

Sources revealed that, it is going to be really hard for the series to be aired in Ramadan, because the cast only shot for three days, which makes it an impossible task. The series is starring Hassan Raddad, Emi Samir Ghanim, Rogina, Mariam Hassan, Rania Mansour, Ezzat Abu Auf, and Hedy Karam, and it is about a young man who leaves Ismailia to live in Cairo.

Khaled El Sawy’s series “Phobia” is facing the same situation, but the bigger problem is the lack of money to continue shooting to make it catch Ramadan season, as it is rumored that El Sawy is refusing to shoot any new scenes until he gets his delayed paychecks. The series is starring, Ayten Amer, Walid Fawaz, Ahmed Safwat, Mohsen Mansour, Nasser Seif, Essam Shahin, Miryhan Hussein, Ahmed Fouad Selim, Lotfi Labib, Wahba Abdel Aziz and others.

“The Flood” series is also facing some financial problems under its massive production cost, because of the big group of stars, who are participating in the series. Stopping the shooting is a problem especially Ramadan is almost here. This series is starring a group of super stars like, Majid al-Masri, Ahmed Zaher, Fathi Abdel Wahab, Wafa Amer, Iten Amer, Abeer Sabri, Rogina, Hana Shiha, Salah Abdullah, Mohammed Adel, Ahmed Safwat, Ahmed Bedair, Ehab Fahmy, Beshra, Dina, Khaled Kamel, Zaki Fatin Abdel Wahab, Majdi Kamel, Nadia Rashad and Aida Riad.

The other series “Game of Silence” produced by “Egypt Arts” Company, which also producing “The Flood” is not having the same problems as “The Flood”, because its shooting started early, which made its opportunity to enter Ramadan season much higher.

Some channels owe money to “Egypt Arts” company, which makes the company face financial problems, and that result in stopping the shooting of some series. Game of Silence series is the first leading role to actor, Yasser Jalal, co-starring with him, Mahmud 'Abd al-Mughni, Dina Fuad, Hana Shihah, Mirhan Hussain, Ihab Fahmi, Muhammad Ezz, Dania Abdel Aziz, Izzat Abu Auf, Khaled Mahmoud, and others.