Kareem Abdul-Aziz

Kareem Abdul-Aziz The Egyptian star Kareem Abdul-Aziz believes that Islamic movements in Egypt are civilised and will thwart the extremist currents as well as maintaining freedom of creativity. He also confirmed that the Holy month of Ramadan will witness his return to television drama in a new series entitled \"Escape\".
Arabstoday met the actor Kareem Abdul-Aziz for an exclusive dialogue about art, revolution and the illness.
AT: What was the reason behind your absence from the drama scene?
KA: There were a variety of reasons; first, the contradiction between my work in cinema and my work in TV drama. The drama series was delayed many times for production reasons, as well as scripts were not that creative to compel me to accept them. I began my career in the TV drama series \" Woman from  the time of Love\"  which was very strong,  and I worked with the great actress Samira Ahmed. Recently,  I finally found the most beautiful script I have ever read which convinced me to return to acting in a drama series when  I will be working with the highly competent  director Mohammed Ali,and producer Safwat Ghatas.
AT: Do you consider there is stiff competition between movie stars and TV series actors?
KA: The Egyptian and Arab audiences are able to access a huge number of drama series in addition to that,  the competition is very helpful for drama and television and for the audiences\' interest as well.
AT: Do you believe that movie stars  making the transition to TV drama is normal?
KA: TV has a larger  fan base  in Egypt and the Arab world  and  therefore an actor should pursue television every now and then.
AT: The name of the series has the same name of a film by the late great actor Ahmad Zaki, \"Escape\". Is this not exploiting the movie\'s success?
KA: The series represents a journey of success and escape by  the hero. It tackles the theme of \"escape\" in a different way from how it has been  presented before. The similarity of titles may confuse some people, but the name is temporary until a new one is created.
AT: Has the Egyptian revolution been incorporated into the series?
KA: The revolution is only a temporal element and the series does not directly tackle  it as a dramatic event. The series is in the genre of social comedy.
AT: Are you going to act in a movie this season?
KA: I have started shooting the TV series before the movie which will compete in the next Eid al Adha season (Eid of Sacrifice). Once I  finish with the TV series, I will start immediately on filming the movie.
AT: Are the reports that you will be starring in a movie with Tom Cruise true?
KA: No, That is just a rumour!. What is stranger is the news that the Hollywood star will come to Egypt to celebrate the film.
AT: Were you disappointed by the timing of your movie \"Fasel wa Naod\" (Break and Resume) which was shown in theatres at the outbreak of the revolution?
KA: Thanks God for everything. The movie is such a tiny sacrifice for this stunning revolution.
AT: After the journey of your illness and now  recovery, how has Kareem Abdul-Aziz changed?
KA: I realised that as a  human being, I am very fragile and I  take care of myself a little bit more as I am responsible for  two children, Malak who is 4 years and Ali who is aged just one year.
Since my illness, I have begun to reconsider everything in my life. I hope 2012 will be a better year for me and for Egypt. I wish the security chaos will end and Egypt will be stable and secure.
AT: Do you have any fear of the rise in Islamic movements in Egypt ?
KA: I believe that some Islamic movements in Egypt are well-educated and open-minded and will address some of the extremist views,  thus maintaining the freedom of creativity.