Iraqi Fashion House

Director of shows department at the Iraqi Fashion House, Bashar Essam hosted a display for weddings and evening dresses in Baghdad, where the clothes were designed by well-known designer, Saif Al-Obaidi. The display was attended by deputy of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities ministry, supervisor of Iraqi Fashion House Fawzy Al Atroshi, Iraqi President’s daughter Vian Fouad Masoum, fashion designers, artists, beauty centers owners, and number of Arab and foreign embassies’ representatives in Baghdad.

Iraqi Fashion House presented a historical display followed by 133 models from “Aredo” beauty center dedicated to weddings and evenings. Most of the dresses were white and the last dress was embodied with the Iraqi flag accompanied by National Anthem music and warm clapping from the audience.

Al Atroshi expressed his happiness about the display saying that, fashion is a beautiful civil symbol that sheds light on heritage and customs, and it is important to improve and support the private sector to carry out this cultural and artistic mission. Number of companies supported this display including, Iraq’s Dana and the Italian company “Quarly”.