Facing court battle

Facing court battle Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian are being sued over their new \"Khroma\" cosmetics line following claims that they copied the name from a Hollywood business which sells similar products. Michael Rey, the co-owner of \'Chroma\" Makeup in Beverly Hills has said that his brand “took 12 years of blood, sweat and tears to build,” and now boasts an A-List clientele, all for it to be exploited by the Kardashian power trio.
He has said that the Kardashians line have cheapened his products due to the confusion it creates in the marketplace. A statement on the company website reads: “We believe that the Kardashians’ actions are damaging our business.  Chroma Makeup Studio, which has a long-standing reputation for high quality color line cosmetics and services, is NOT endorsing low budget cosmetic products that will be sold in mass retail outlets.”
The makeup line will reportedly hit shelves at pharmacies and department stores across the U.S. including CVS, Sears, and Ulta in November.