Mr Wood\'s exquisite Epoque hat collection
Wood's new collection features a range of zoological specimens

Wood's new collection features a range of zoological specimens UK based designer Loren Wood, has been creating unique millinery for the past four years and his acute interest in zoology, ornithology and taxidermy inspires his collections which feature a range of zoological specimens.

This use of animals is not a new concept, as using real birds and animals in millinery reached its peak during the Edwardian era, when opulence addicted women wore giant hats adorned with a menagerie of tropical birds and foreign beasties. This crossover period of time between the Edwardian era and the 1920's combined with the fall of the upper classes and chinoiserie, the oriental fashions of the time, inspired the debut Epoque collection.
This astounding collection includes Nesty, a large couture showpiece of sinister black, lacquered willow surrounding a nest housing two little red birds and Nouveau, a couture winged showpiece consisting of tropical bird wings and long antique jet tassels. The collection has been highly praised by stylists and fashion press and Loren was a runner up in Grazia’s "Hat Factor" judged by renowned milliners Stephen Jones and Philip Treacy.

Mr Wood\'s exquisite Epoque hat collection

Mr Wood\'s exquisite Epoque hat collection

Mr Wood\'s exquisite Epoque hat collection

Mr Wood\'s exquisite Epoque hat collection