Young girl gets a vaccine in the thigh

Young girl gets a vaccine in the thigh A measles outbreak in the Netherlands has sickened nearly 1,300 people since May, a report shows. Of the 1,266 cases, 82, or 6.5 percent, required the patient to be hospitalized, Forbes magazine reported Tuesday. Nearly all of the patients, 96.5 percent, had not been vaccinated and another 3.2 percent had only received partial vaccinations, the magazine said.
Netherlands officials expect the outbreak, which they say began mostly among 4- to 12-year-olds in what was described as an orthodox Protestant school, to persist for some time, the magazine said.
The Eurosurvey report authored by public health specialists in the Netherlands found orthodox Protestantism was, by far, the most common reason given for not getting vaccinated at 93.6 percent. Other reasons included \"other\" at 3.5 percent, parents or own attitude toward vaccination at 2.6 percent, and anthroposophical at 0.3 percent.
Source: UPI