Al Bateen Executive Airport

Al Bateen Executive Airport Al Bateen Executive Airport, the business aviation airport of Abu Dhabi Airports, witnessed an 18% increase in visiting aircraft traffic and 6% increase in commercial aircraft traffic for 2013, compared to 2012. Yousif Al Hammadi, General Manager of Al Bateen Executive Airport, said, "Al Bateen Executive Airport performed very well last year with a continuation of its success in attracting new business. The 18% increase in visiting aircraft at the airport on the previous year clearly demonstrates Abu Dhabi's growing place as a destination for business and leisure travel and Al Bateen's position as a turn-key solution for business aviation in the region." "We were particularly pleased for DhabiJet, Al Bateen's fixed based operator, to be awarded second best FBO in the EMEA region by European Business Air News, which is significant recognition of our success. Once again the challenges of successful aircraft handling during the Abu Dhabi F1 weekend were met, with more than 100 aircraft movements smoothly handled." Notable developments during the year included the introduction of new services including the distribution of newspapers onboard aircraft, aircraft cleaning through Falcon Aviation Services (FAS), partnership with Emirates Transport Services and finally fuel uplift services. DhabiJet, which successfully handled all movements and services during the 2013 Air Expo, became an official member of the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) in December 2013.
Al Bateen Executive Airport will be hosting the 3rd annual Abu Dhabi Air Expo, the region's first general aviation show, from 25th to 27th February 2014 where it is expected to welcome more than 13,000 visitors with more than 100 aircraft on display and over 170 companies exhibiting.
Source: WAM